
技術數據 – 電氣參數
  • 10…30 VDC
  • ≤200 mA
  • ≤ 500 ms (上電后)
  • EtherCAT
  • 多圈
  • 100 MBaud
  • 自動地址分配
  • 8192 / 13位
  • 65536 / 16位
  • 方波 TTL/HTL,TTL/RS422
  • 磁式
  • EN 61000-6-2
  • EN 61000-6-3
  • RS485 (≤600 m)
  • 總線系統:參見總線功能
  • 額外的輸出信號(脈沖數),閉合和打開動作值
  • 位置或參數錯誤
  • DUO-LED和鏈路/活動LED (集成在總線分線盒中),設備背部有4個LED
  • CE
  • UL認證 / E217823
技術數據 – 電氣參數(超速開關)
  • ± 2 % (或1數字位)
  • 1路輸出 (集電極開路,可選配固態繼電器)
  • 30 VDC;≤100 mA
  • ≤20 ms
技術數據 – 機械參數
  • ?105?mm
  • ?16…20?mm (通孔型)
  • 力矩臂支架,可360°任意定位
防護等級(EN 60529)
  • IP 66 / IP 67
  • ≤6000 rpm
  • ns (關閉) = ±2…6000 rpm,出廠設置6000 rpm
  • 10 Ncm
  • 950 gcm2
  • ≤450 N 軸向
  • ≤650 N 徑向
  • 外殼:鋁合金
  • 軸:不銹鋼
  • IEC 60068-2-52 鹽霧試驗
  • 室溫條件下防腐等級達到ISO 12944-2 CX (C5-M)
  • -40…+85?°C
  • 95% (不結露)
  • IEC 60068-2-6
  • 抗振動30?g,10-2000 Hz
  • IEC 60068-2-27
  • 抗沖擊400 g,1 ms
  • 2,2 kg (視版本而定)
  • 總線分線盒
  • 端子盒,帶增量輸出


Declaration of conformity

The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂,長度 67...70 mm

貨號: 11043628

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 標準型
  • 長度:67…70 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂,長度 120...130 mm (≥71 mm)

貨號: 11004078

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 標準型
  • 長度:120…130 mm
  • 可縮短至 ≥71 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂,長度 425...460 mm (≥131 mm)

貨號: 11002915

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 標準型
  • 長度:425…460 mm
  • 可縮短至 ≥131 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂 (已安裝),長度 67...70 mm

貨號: 11054917

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 絕緣型
  • 長度:67…70 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂 (已安裝),長度 120...130 mm (≥71 mm)

貨號: 11072795

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 絕緣型
  • 長度:120…130 mm
  • 可縮短至 ≥71 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂 (已安裝),長度 425...460 mm (≥131 mm)

貨號: 11082677

  • 空心軸編碼器力矩臂
  • M6旋轉接頭符合DIN ISO 12240-4尺寸系列K的要求
  • 補償驅動軸的軸向安裝誤差
  • 絕緣型
  • 長度:425…460 mm
  • 可縮短至 ≥131 mm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! M6力矩臂和接地帶安裝套件

貨號: 11077197


The selected altAttribute does not exist! 安裝和拆卸套件

貨號: 11077087


The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.WS13-11238694

貨號: 11238694

  • Torque wrench set
  • M12, AF 13, 0.6 Nm
The selected altAttribute does not exist! 編程電纜,用于HMG10P/PMG10P總線接口系列

貨號: 11191145

  • 轉接線用于設置HMG10P/PMG10P總線接口系列
  • 帶D-SUB公頭,用于將HMG10P/PMG10P總線接口編碼器連接到Z-PA.SDL.1 WLAN適配器
  • 編碼器可以在聯機(ONLINE)或脫機(OFFLINE)模式下與WLAN適配器連接
The selected altAttribute does not exist! Z-PA.SDL.1 - WLAN適配器

貨號: 11190106

  • HMG10P/PMG10P系列用編程設備
  • 用于SSI絕對值信號、增量輸出和超速開關的參數設置(取決于編碼器版本)
  • 監控當前位置、轉速和溫度
  • 通過以太網或WLAN無線連接
  • 通過PC機、平板電腦或智能手機的網絡瀏覽器操作,簡單直觀
  • 快速下載參數
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232807

貨號: 11232807

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230331

貨號: 11230331

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230854

貨號: 11230854

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230332

貨號: 11230332

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230333

貨號: 11230333

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230855

貨號: 11230855

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232808

貨號: 11232808

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232810

貨號: 11232810

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230385

貨號: 11230385

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230856

貨號: 11230856

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230340

貨號: 11230340

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230341

貨號: 11230341

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230857

貨號: 11230857

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232811

貨號: 11232811

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232816

貨號: 11232816

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230862

貨號: 11230862

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232817

貨號: 11232817

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230407

貨號: 11230407

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230863

貨號: 11230863

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232818

貨號: 11232818

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232819

貨號: 11232819

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232821

貨號: 11232821

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230864

貨號: 11230864

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232822

貨號: 11232822

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230408

貨號: 11230408

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230865

貨號: 11230865

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232823

貨號: 11232823

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232824

貨號: 11232824

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232836

貨號: 11232836

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230914

貨號: 11230914

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232837

貨號: 11232837

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230502

貨號: 11230502

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230915

貨號: 11230915

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232838

貨號: 11232838

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232839

貨號: 11232839

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232841

貨號: 11232841

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230916

貨號: 11230916

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232842

貨號: 11232842

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230503

貨號: 11230503

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230917

貨號: 11230917

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232843

貨號: 11232843

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232844

貨號: 11232844

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232861

貨號: 11232861

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230925

貨號: 11230925

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232862

貨號: 11232862

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230506

貨號: 11230506

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230926

貨號: 11230926

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232863

貨號: 11232863

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232864

貨號: 11232864

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232866

貨號: 11232866

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230927

貨號: 11230927

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232867

貨號: 11232867

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230507

貨號: 11230507

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230928

貨號: 11230928

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232868

貨號: 11232868

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232869

貨號: 11232869

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
LED-Cables with open-ended wires
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232618

貨號: 11232618

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232619

貨號: 11232619

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232620

貨號: 11232620

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232621

貨號: 11232621

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232622

貨號: 11232622

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232623

貨號: 11232623

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232624

貨號: 11232624

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232813

貨號: 11232813

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230858

貨號: 11230858

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230859

貨號: 11230859

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230404

貨號: 11230404

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230860

貨號: 11230860

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230861

貨號: 11230861

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232814

貨號: 11232814

  • M12, female, A-coded, 3-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232846

貨號: 11232846

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230918

貨號: 11230918

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232847

貨號: 11232847

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230504

貨號: 11230504

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11230919

貨號: 11230919

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A3-11232848

貨號: 11232848

  • M12, female, A-coded; 3-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232912

貨號: 11232912

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233095

貨號: 11233095

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230365

貨號: 11230365

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231012

貨號: 11231012

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230442

貨號: 11230442

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231013

貨號: 11231013

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233096

貨號: 11233096

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233097

貨號: 11233097

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233060

貨號: 11233060

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231005

貨號: 11231005

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233061

貨號: 11233061

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230439

貨號: 11230439

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231006

貨號: 11231006

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233062

貨號: 11233062

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233063

貨號: 11233063

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233065

貨號: 11233065

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231007

貨號: 11231007

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233066

貨號: 11233066

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230440

貨號: 11230440

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231008

貨號: 11231008

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233067

貨號: 11233067

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233068

貨號: 11233068

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233099

貨號: 11233099

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233100

貨號: 11233100

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233101

貨號: 11233101

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230443

貨號: 11230443

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231015

貨號: 11231015

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233102

貨號: 11233102

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233103

貨號: 11233103

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233105

貨號: 11233105

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231017

貨號: 11231017

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233106

貨號: 11233106

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11230444

貨號: 11230444

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11231018

貨號: 11231018

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233107

貨號: 11233107

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.D4-11233109

貨號: 11233109

  • M12, male, D-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2500 cm, shielded; RJ45, male, D-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable, CAT5, 100 Mbit/s
  • Head A: IP67; Head B: IP20
  • Cable: good resistance against flames, oils
  • Halogen free

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